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Lakes View Farm Herefords has been a dream realised for Andrew, Helen & family.
From an agricultural background, farming has been in our family going back three generations.
From the early days of rearing calves, to building our own Hereford herd; our drive is for sustainable, grass fed, free range, high welfare, 100% traceability cattle and top quality beef products.
We are passionate about farming, our livestock and our world. We realise and recognise the implications of farming on the environment and want to reduce the impact.
We offset emissions using our land;  growing trees and other wild plants, and with the grass we grow and cultivate.
We pride ourselves in ensuring as much of the packaging we use being recycled, including the box and the labelling, and are always looking for innovative ways we can keep improving our sustainability.

About Us: About


Whilst grazing the pastures enriched with herbs and clover, our cows enjoy an abundance of taste whilst benefiting  from the extra minerals and vitamins throughout spring and summer.

We harvest our own grass throughout spring and through summer to feed to our herd in the winter months.

All our cows are slow grown over 2-3 years, living their best life, following more traditional farming methods for a happier and healthier herd. 


Our Hereford beef is renowned for it's taste; slow grown for a deeper flavour and being grass fed only enhances that flavour, resulting in higher levels of vitamins A and E as well as CLA's, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

With each cut of high quality beef containing an abundance of marbling throughout; the result is a delicious flavour and fantastic taste, succulent and tender - every time.


Our planet is important.

From keeping our mileage to a minimum, using local suppliers, to having pasture and an abundance of trees helping carbon capture - these are just a few of the many environmental choices we make to ensure our business does not have a negative impact for our future generations.

Areas of farmland are left to allow nature to thrive; from songbirds to deer, hare to an abundance of tadpoles in our ponds; insects, nesting areas and owls - we value the importance of wildlife thriving on our land.

About Us: Features
About Us: Gallery
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